My friend and neighbor growing up Arlen Raber was able to harvest a beautiful old buck about 300 yards behind his house on November 1, 2022.

Here is what he sent me in his own words; 

The hunt started for a buck we named "Deceiver" in the 2020 season. 3 seasons later and hundreds of pictures later I was able to encounter the buck for the fist time last night. Boonetown has been a game changer for me. I fed it side by side of a well known competitor and the deer always gravitated to boonetown first. I fed it as a mineral early season and as of late I would dump it over cob corn. The deer including this buck love it!

He said he had to get creative to get him. This is his setup. 

A local taxidermist estimated the deer to be 7-1/2 to 8-1/2 years old. 

The buck in 2020. Actually Feb of 2021. 

Deceiver in 2021.

A few days before he was shot. 

About the Author Jonas Troyer

Jonas Troyer is an avid hunter and fisher from Holmes County Ohio. He is also the owner of Troyer Websites and Unlimited Whitetail Hunting, where he and his boys have a hunting YouTube channel and a website for deer hunting-related products including Boonetown Deer Minerals.

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